
Recipe Rut

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you can't think of anything to cook? Last week I was stuck in a recipe rut. I've been trying to plan our menu for the week on Mondays since we don't have the convenience of a grocery story below us (like we did in Seattle), but some days I'm lacking creativity or nothing sounds very good. After perusing Pinterest, I finally decided on 4 meals to make for the week since I knew we'd be grabbing something Thursday on the way to our hospital tour. 

So, in case you're lacking kitchen inspiration like I was last week, here are a few ideas!

{Monday} White House Salad for "The Biggest Loser" + spicy grilled chicken (seasoned with the same seasonings used in the dressing)

{Tuesday} Black Bean Burgers, recipe from my friend Kristin (Added bonus: The recipe made about 15 burgers, so next time we're in a pinch we can pull a couple out of the freezer!)

{Wednesday} Chicken Stir-Fry Wraps (The sauce was pretty boring so I would probably make it more spicy/sweet next time.)

{Thursday} Chipotle before our hospital tour

{Friday} Homemade Pizza, Jim Lahey's No Knead Pizza Dough

I'm off to plan our menu for the week!
Leave a link if you have a recipe we should try!

+, Lauren Aiken

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