
Baby Nora: 8 Months

Weight: Nora weighs around 17 pounds and is in 9 month clothes now, with the exception of a couple 6 month jammies. I'm not sure how tall she is, but we've lowered her crib once and will soon lower it to the final setting! 

Activities: We have a crawler on our hands! Last month Nora used her forehead to get around, but within a couple weeks she grew strong enough to hold her weight up with her arms. Before that, though, she mastered pulling up in her crib and sitting back down again within a matter of 3 days - thank goodness because she just stood and screamed until she figured out how to sit back down! 

Nora can wave goodbye but doesn't always do it on demand. She finally has begun showing some more emotion!! Up until now she's been pretty serious the majority of the time, but this month her silly side has come out with lots of giggles, sticking out her tongue, and dancing. It's the best :).

I can't keep up with tracking her verbal developments. Basically she has her own little language and talks all the time now, sometimes it even sounds like she's singing!

Food: Oh my goodness, this little girl will eat anything! I'm so thankful that she has (yet) to refuse any foods. She's such a great little eater. She loves a variety of textures, from smooth purees and chunky mashes to gnawing on spears of raw veggies and tiny chunks of cooked zucchini and squash that she can pick up herself. She has even been known to devour whole chunks of watermelon (her current favorite) and peaches. We're working on signing "more" and "all done." I'm not sure how much sign language we will try, but we anticipate meal time signs being useful for us. 

Sleep: Three naps a day are pretty typical still when we are home, but I think we're about ready to transition into two because they keep getting shorter. Nora has been waking up early lately (we're talking 5:30am), and does not go back to sleep, so an early morning nap necessitates midday and afternoon naps as well. We're still trying to start bedtime right around 7pm, which also consists of brushing those teeth now!

My sweet Nora, you're growing up SO fast!
We love you!!

+, Lauren Aiken

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