

38 Weeks

32 weeks

35 weeks, 4 days

37 weeks, 5 days

How far along: 38 weeks, 5 days
Size: Somewhere around 6-7 pounds. My midwife hasn't made any estimations this time around.
Gender: Girl
Total weight gain: 35ish pounds
Maternity clothes: I'm ready to say goodbye to the select few shirts and dresses I've been rotating through this pregnancy.
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: I've been sleeping fairly well considering how close I am to baby's due date. Other than waking up 3-4 times to go to the bathroom, that is :).
Movement: This little girl seems to move a lot more than Nora did.
Queasy or sick: I've been feeling great this week!
Labor Signs: At my appointment last Friday I found out that baby girl has dropped and is engaged in my pelvis - good news for sure! I've started having lots of false labor just this past week -  mild, regular contractions anywhere from 7 to just 3 minutes apart for about 4 hours at the longest.
Symptoms: Heartburn, round ligament pain after a long day, and plenty of B-H contractions.
Belly button in or out: It's pretty much stayed flat except for the very top, which pokes out just a tiny bit.
Wedding rings on or off: I'm so surprised my rings are still on! My hands swell when we go for walks in these 90 degree summer days, but overall I haven't had an issue with swelling.
Recap of the week last 6 weeks: Unfortunately, I have done a terrible job of documenting this last trimester! My laptop was broken for awhile, though I have no excuses for the past few weeks it has been fixed. We've managed to snap a few photos, just not every week. It has been fairly uneventful pregnancy-wise. All of my check ups have been good, with baby measuring right on track and always having a lower than "normal" heartbeat for a girl (in the low to mid-140s). For the most part, I have been well and generally comfortable, though I had a small kidney stone that passed about a month ago now. We went on vacation with my parents early in May, and I'm planning on posting those photos soon! Matt's family came to visit just a couple of weeks ago, and we're gearing up for lots of visitors within the next month when baby girl decides to make her debut :).
Looking forward to: Meeting baby girl, hopefully soon!
Looking back: 38 weeks with Nora

+, Lauren Aiken

1 comment:

  1. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE 38 WEEKS!!!! What in the world? Where did the time go?! I can not WAIT to see your sweet girl! You are in my prayers, and I know this labor and delivery will be more peaceful than the last-- I just know it! Be blessed, my friend! I can't wait to hear the big news!
