
Avocado Tuna Salad

A few weeks back, I wrote about The Virgin Diet. To recap, that essentially meant no gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, yeast, peanuts, and artificial sweeteners. 

I'm completely finished with the diet and found no noticeable food sensitivities, though I was also in my first trimester of pregnancy and did experience headaches, bloating, general ickiness, etc. I honestly have no clue whether pregnancy or food is the culprit, but I've decided that for now, I will not eliminate any foods entirely. More on that another time... 

Guys, had I not planned recipes in advance, I would have been in major trouble. I'm not one of those types who can just look in the fridge, throw things together, and make it taste good - at least not without repeating the same handful of meals over and over! Most nights I made enough dinner to have leftovers for lunch, but of course, there were a handful of days we did not. 

This avocado tuna salad caught my eye on Pinterest though, so I tried it and ending up loving it!! It was also perfect for early pregnancy (and any time) because of the extra calories from the avocado and protein from the tuna. Did you know you're supposed to consume about 70g of protein daily when you're pregnant? That is a lot when you're not the biggest meat lover and can't eat yogurt, cheese, peanut butter, etc. 

Even if you're not a huge fan of tuna, I think you could get into this. The avocado, lime, and roasted red pepper are the perfect combination of flavors. I added quite a bit of garlic pepper on top. 


Most nights I enjoy cooking dinner, but when we don't have leftovers for the next day, coming up with creative lunches is a struggle for me.

Do you have any quick and tasty recipes to share? 
Do you have any tips for getting extra protein?

+, Lauren Aiken


The second time around

We found out I was pregnant super early one morning in November when I just couldn't wait any longer. The line was super faint, but it was there! Matt and I laid in bed and soaked in the excitement, having a better idea this time of things to come. I meant to announce this pregnancy weeks ago, but Nora is near impossible to photograph these days! If you missed it, Nora spilled the beans in this post, which only took a ton of photos and a little bribing with a cookie to get a few good shots...:). I have had several people ask if I'm going to blog through my pregnancy again. I enjoy looking back on details I'd otherwise forget, so I am planning to post frequently. My hope is also that others find these posts interesting/helpful, and I would love for YOU to tell me what you'd like to hear about this time. 

My official due date is July 23rd. Nora was 15 days late, though, so I'm anticipating an August baby. Nora and baby #2 will be 21 months apart. The plan is to introduce her to her "big girl" room before the baby is due so that the nursery will still be right next to our room. There's no question that things will be busy in the Aiken household this summer! We are looking forward to the many joys ahead and the growth that will come from the challenges.

Baby Bump: 14 Weeks

Cardigan \\ Jeans: Target (old) \\ V-neck \\ Necklace

The first trimester was a little different than with Nora. My pregnancy miraculously started out in the midst of some thyroid problems, which were thankfully resolved fairly quickly. I had more nausea this time, feeling icky often but never actually getting sick. However, I was much less fatigued this time around! With Nora, I would come home from work and fall asleep while Matt made dinner, wake up to eat, then fall asleep on the couch until bedtime. This time, I tried to sleep during Nora's afternoon nap so I would have more energy in the evenings. Food aversions were a major challenge this time, especially since I was doing an elimination-type diet during weeks 6-12 and couldn't eat the foods that sounded good (I did not plan this timing, nor would I recommend it outside of necessity). I'll be posting some follow-up info on the diet soon. My appetite is finally back, and I've gained about 2 pounds so far. As expected, I'm also showing sooner. I think my 14 week belly is about equivalent to 19 weeks

I'm so excited to fall in love with this new member of our family and to watch Nora become a big sister. Last pregnancy I was fearful of labor, but this time I'm really looking forward to it. Matt and I are praying for a natural VBAC, but we will see what the Lord has in store for this child. 

So tell me, what would you like to know the second time around? 
I would love your feedback :).

+, Lauren Aiken


75 photos and a tiny cookie later...

DIY shirt using this pattern
Matt, Nora, and I are overjoyed to tell you we are having another baby this summer!!! Things over here have been quiet because, well, first trimester + a little toddler has kept me either on my toes or asleep :). 

+, Lauren Aiken