

Baby Nora: Week 3

I'm a little late with Nora's week 3 update because Matt and I came down with a bad case of the stomach flu. We are on the mend now, and Nora seems to be doing just fine!

All of the pics I took this week are just iPhone photos. I'll try to have some more for next week!

Weight: Nora goes back to the pediatrician after Christmas for her two month check-up. Based on her weight gain over the past three weeks, I'm sure she is well over 8 pounds now. Her little face and arms are starting to fill out, and she definitely feels heavier!

Health: Her dry skin is almost pretty much gone now.

Sleep: Nora has been sleeping anywhere from 3-6 hours at night. She usually has a longer stretch in the beginning of the night and then wakes up several hours later early in the morning. This means I've been getting much more sleep as well!

Diet: Milk! Typically, she eats around 8 times a day. Her feedings are closer together during the day and more spread out at night. 

Clothes: Most of her newborn clothes are pretty snug so I'm going to start adding in 0-3 month things this week. 

Crying: In the afternoons, Nora gets a tiny bit fussy before her nap. She doesn't cry that often though, apart from when she is hungry or if I wake her up.

Postpartum: I'm feeling really great this week! I've noticed a little soreness if I'm particularly active one day. For the most part I don't feel like I had surgery 3 weeks ago though. 

Milestones: Nora's stump fell off, and she has a bellybutton!! She's more alert everyday and still working on focusing those pretty little eyes.

+, Lauren Aiken

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Great post. I found you through the blog hop. Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance.
    Be sure and check out my new Blog Hop that started tonight. It's Weekly Goals Link Up. It's a great way to stay on track. Have a great day. :) Now following you.
